
September Cafeteria Menu

Remember that ALL Winn students receive free breakfast and lunch. Meals are an integral part of the school day and Montessori curriculum, so all students are HIGHLY encouraged to eat school meals.

August Cafeteria Menu

Check out what Ms. Bernadette and her staff are cooking up for breakfast and lunch each day.

Back to School Newsletter

Welcome to another wonderful school year together at Winn Montessori! Our school community has grown a lot in the last year, and as our theme for the year states, E Pluribus Unum/Out of many, one. Together we will continue to grow a robust learning community!

Summer Newsletter

We hope your family is enjoying this summer break! Please review the summer newsletter for information regarding back-to-school dates (already!), school supplies, STAAR scores, and more.

May Monthly Update

The weather is getting warmer, and we are preparing for a spring full of field trips, movie nights, the school play, and lots of learning!

April Monthly Update

April is a beautiful month on our campus as our garden, wildflowers, and trees begin to flourish! It is full of so many important and exciting events: the solar eclipse, kindergarten swimming lessons, the 2nd Annual Butterfly Festival, more field trips, and the STAAR test.

March Monthly Update

Check out the March monthly update to see upcoming events, sign-up for summer school opportunities, and learn about other events happening at Winn Montessori.

February Monthly Update

A lot of important and exciting news! Spotlights: priority enrollment ends on 2/5, next PTA meeting & movie night on Friday 2/16, Sunday 2/25 Garden Work Day and more!

January Monthly Update

Please read this month's update to learn about enrollment, attendance/tardies, spring field trip chaperones, PTA updates, and more!

December Monthly Update

The chilly weather is finally here and reminds me of how quickly this year is passing! I love these short weeks between fall and winter break as we celebrate student learning thus far. We will continue to go outside for play so please send your student to school with warm clothing and reach out to Ms. Aida if you need a coat, hat, or gloves for your child. Thank you for joining us for this last month of 2023!

November Monthly Update

Two months left of this school year! November and December are busy times with two holiday breaks and changes in the weather. We have some big changes at the school as we add our fourth dual language classroom and make some mid-year swaps to classrooms. We also have our first field trips happening this month!

November 2023 Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Wondering what Ms. Bernadette and the rest of our wonderful cafeteria staff are cooking up for our students every day? Check out the monthly menu!