Why Winn Montessori?


Winn is AISD’s premier Montessori school. As part of AISD’s commitment to innovative excellence in schools, Winn’s program seeks to make an authentic Montessori experience accessible to ALL children.

Learn more about Montessori education


Montessori at Winn

Bilingual Education

Winn Montessori is a proud Spanish dual-language campus with DL classrooms being made up of Spanish- and English-language dominant students.  This gives Spanish-speaking students the opportunity to continue to develop their native language while learning English and English-speaking students an opportunity to embrace a second language and culture. 

Learn more about bilingual education

Full-day Pre-K 3

Winn Montessori is one of only a handful of AISD campuses that offer full-day Pre-K 3 (students must turn 3 on or before September 1 of the school year) from 7:40 AM-3:10 PM.  Tuition-based after-care is also an option to extend the day until 6:00 PM.

Learn more about Pre-K at AISD

Multi-age Classrooms

Winn Montessori students stay in one classroom for an entire three-year cycle. This three-year grouping starts with Primary (Pre-K 3 - Kindergarten), continues to Lower Elementary (grades 1-3) and culminates in Upper Elementary (grades 4 & 5).  This environment promotes diversity, leadership and true peer learning while minimizing transitions.

Free Meals

All students at Winn Montessori receive free breakfast and lunch. Meals are served family-style in the classroom.  Students are highly encouraged to eat school-provided meals as participation is an integral part of the Montessori curriculum.

Learn more about Nutrition & Food Services at AISD


AISD food

Special Education & Dyslexia Intervention

Our Special Education and Dyslexia Intervention departments are robust and available to both English- and Spanish-dominant students.

Learn more about Special Education

Student & Family Support

Winn Montessori is fortunate to have BOTH a Caregiver Support Specialist and a representative from Communities in Schools on campus to help students and families thrive.

Learn more about Caregiver Support & Communities in Schools

Outdoor Spaces

Winn Montessori sits on 10 acres of land and in addition to two wonderful playscapes, students have access to a pollinator garden, a learning forest, a community garden, a wildflower prairie, a mud kitchen and other outdoor areas to encourage exploration and nature play.


outdoor areas

Special Events

Our community has hosted many fun events throughout the school year such as the Butterfly Festival, Circle of Games field day, Watch Me Work and a school play put on by the Missoula Children’s Theatre.