Support Winn Montessori

The resources our school receives from the district and state only go so far, so we need your help to make up the difference.  This page contains several ways to support our school that tax dollars alone simply cannot.  Thank you in advance for any help you're able to give.


Volunteers are the heart of our campus.  Join us and support your student and the Winn Montessori community.

How to volunteer on campus


Make a monetary donation via the PTA!

Help the Winn Montessori PTA build community and support the wonderful staff at Winn Montessori! Donate one time or set up a recurring donation...every dollar helps.  Winn Montessori PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association (EIN 23-7172788) and your donations are 100% tax-deductible!

To get an idea of what kinds of programs the PTA supports at Winn Montessori, check out the PTA page.

Donate to the Annual Fund


Double your donation with Corporate Matching

Click this Matching Gifts page to see if your employer matches funds.  Winn Montessori PTA is registered with Benevity and Fidelity Charitable, so also check with your company's HR department to see about a recurring donation!


Purchase an item from the school wishlist!

The Winn Montessori PTA maintains an Amazon wishlist of supplies needed at school that are not provided by the district and not included in the annual student supply lists.  Please feel free to purchase any of these items at any time and they will ship directly to the school.  All purchases are greatly appreciated!

School Amazon Wishlist